The Absolute BEST Places to Propose on Cape Cod

If you're here, you're thinking about proposing to your significant other.


Some people want to have an elaborate proposal on a beach, and some want to have something a little more intimate with friend and family around. No matter what you want to have it on a place that means something to both of you.

That can mean a beach or special place that means something to both of you, or a trip that is a big step in your relationship. It could be a place that's totally new and this proposal makes this new place special! Either way, I've put together a list of the absolute best places on Cape Cod to propose to your significant other.

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The Knob at Quisset Harbor, Falmouth

I'll admit. I am a little bias on the Knob, because I did propose to my wife there. But that doesn't mean that it isn't a perfect place to propose. Ive photographed several proposals on the Knob. It just is that perfect!

Recently, it has become more of a hot spot for folks to go on a quick hike to look out over the water, but through the trails or the beach, you can have your privacy. If you are planning on doing it at the top of the Knob, I would suggest hiring a photographer not only to capture those raw moments, but in the case of the Knob being a bit packed, the photographer can let everyone at the top know what's happening so your moment can be yours. Plus you'll know exactly where to do it without being interrupted. Also, SUNSETS.

Race Point Beach, Provincetown

Race Point beach is something else. It literally feels like you are looking out to the end of the Earth. You walk down the narrow path towards the water and your heart starts racing (it happens to me and I'm not even proposing!)

Whether you want to propose on the sand of the beaches or right in the pathway (like this guy below) because you can't make it all the way down without blowing it, it's perfect. I should caveat this by saying that if you are planning a mid-July proposal, you might think about doing it at a beach in the early morning with sunrise, or even sunset. That way you can have your privacy without the annoyance of anyone in their speedos and wetsuits in the background.

This proposal was shot at the end of November. It was a little chilly but honestly, its worth it in the end. But that view though!

Nobska Lighthouse, Falmouth

There is just something about Woods Hole that is just what the doctor ordered. Quintessential Cape. Actually, Woods Hole should make this list honestly. All you'd have to do is pick a place and propose and you'd be golden.

Picture this: You take a stroll down Water Street to grab a little something at Pie in the Sky, then you have a nice meal over at the Landfall or Water Street Kitchen. Then you decide to take another stroll over to Nobska Light to seal the deal. BOOM!

I mean you've got the views of the water, the waves crashing down, the fishing boats are coming in (or going out) for the night. It is the sweetest spot to propose. You don't necessarily need to go to the Lighthouse. You can hit Silver Beach and see the Lighthouse from a distance (check out the photos below).

It doesn't have to be at night, or sunset at all by the way. I just figured I would maybe plug your head with some ideas just in case.

Sandwich Boardwalk, Sandwich

I know, another beach. But I mean you are on Cape Cod. The outdoors must be enjoyed! The best part about the Cape is that you don't have to always drive an hour up down Cape to enjoy the beach. It is literally surrounded by beaches. The Sandwich Boardwalk is a really cool spot. It is awesome to walk down a 1,350 foot boardwalk over the marshes to get to Cape Cod Bay.

Not only is it a fantastic place to propose, but it's just a hella fun walk. Imagine sunset here? How many boardwalks on the Cape offer something like this? I'll tell you, NONE! It can be a little touristy in the busy months, but if you are in it for the golden shot, I say send it.

Image curtesy of Getty Images

Lighthouse Beach, Chatham

I've said It before and I'll say it again: Going to beaches that look like you are looking out to the end of the Earth is so amazing. Most beaches on the Cape, with a few exceptions, have that feel. Lighthouse beach has a hybrid feel . From the dunes you can see for miles, and from the beach you can see the sandbars and wildlife. One of the perfect sunrise beaches is Chatham Lighthouse beach. The beach is not only gorgeous, but there is a good population of seals and fishing boats off on the sandbars if you're into that sort of thing.

It sits right outside the center of Chatham which has great places to eat and just peruse around for a while. It helps pass the time to get those nervous feelings out.

Images curtesy of

Chapoquoit Beach, Falmouth

Ahh Chappy. Chappy has the beach, surf, saltwater marshes, West Falmouth Harbor, BEAUTIFUL sunsets, and breathtaking views, kite surfers (all year round). So yeah, it basically has all the ingredients for a good time. This is the place to end your day in Falmouth. Maybe you had a fantastic dinner in downtown Falmouth and want to catch the sunset. If you don't end up at Chappy, something went wrong.


Maybe you want to grab a pizza and take it down to the beach and sit on the hood of the car and chow then propose. BOOM! Chappy! It is the perfect place to wind down for the night before calling it a day. You get to see the kite surfers in action, you can walk your dog (during the off-season months), and watch the sun set over Buzzards Bay. If you are not sold, you should be.

I want to make sure you know that these are not all of the places that you SHOULD propose, but they are breathtaking places that you WON'T regret proposing. There are hundreds of other places that are AMAZING to propose! I do want to say that most beaches are open to the public without beach stickers during the off-season months (Anywhere from September to May). In case that question pops into your mind.

I stress a lot about privacy because it is your moment to share with your significant other. And I guess me! But I am there to capture your raw emotion in YOUR moment. These moments are for you and that's what it is all about. If you are looking for more privacy, take a gander at these places.

If you want to talk more about the proposal or where to pop the question feel free to call or send me over an email. I'd love to hear from you! If you are totally stuck and don't have a clue where to start or how propose I have a solution. Cape Cod Celebrations specializes in a ton of different things, one being planning your proposal. Check them out if you are having a tough time getting started.


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